You will be provided with a schedule to help transition you into a routine while you are here. The schedule is to help make the most of your time as well as provide structure. While there is flexibility in your schedule we ask that you would help us to keep the kids schedule on track as much as possible.
Dormitory Assignment
Kingsford will you to oversee one of the children’s dormitories. During the week it is your responsibility to make sure that the children keep the dorm picked up, that their belongings stay as organized as much as possible and that all the kids are in their dorms at bedtime. On the weekends it is the responsibility of all volunteers to oversee the deep cleaning of the dorms their chores and the completion of their laundry. You will give a score to each dormitory as well as write comments about each child’s behavior and attitude. It is imperative that volunteers do not travel on the weekends, because the awards given to the children during Saturday night entertainment are based off of the scores given by volunteers and kingsford.
While you have flexibility in your schedule we do ask that prep be a “mandatory” activity for all the volunteers and children. We understand that things come up but Prep needs to be a high priority. It is a time to work on homework gives one on one tutoring and work.
Free time and Saturday Entertainment
Free time is a great opportunity for volunteers to set up fun activities for the children. You can play games, put on programs, take kids to the library, etc. as for Saturday entertainment do not hesitate to set something up or tell kingsford any of your ideas or suggestions. They all Love to have dance parties, play music and watch movies. Enjoy this time.
1. Volunteers who do care work must wake up at 6:00 am in the morning to help bath the kids to school. Time 6:00am – 7:30am
2. Volunteers who do teaching start their work at 8:30 –l0am and 10:30 -12noon.
3. Community teaching at Bentum, Gada starts after normal school has closed from 4pm – 5:30pm all interested volunteers will be introduced to assist the community children.
4. Volunteers who do teachings are not full time teachers in the classroom but they are teaching assistance to a local teacher. Classes start from 8:30am -10am and then 10:30-12noon.
5. Any volunteer with a gift for donation should no give it to the ch ildren directly but to the office for records keeping before management will decide what to do with that gift/present.
6. No volunteer should take any child to the beach, market, town without the approve knowledge of the management of the home.
7. Volunteers who do coaching will have to join the morning training from 6am – 8am at the Shepherd stars training ground. Training days are Tuesday – Friday each morning.
8. Volunteers are to note that before they go out of Campus they must first contact the Administrator of the home before leaving.
9. All volunteers must fill their personal forms on arrival at the orphanage. Make sure the information on you is correct.
10. Volunteers are not to allow children and adults in their rooms.
11. Volunteers who want to take pictures of the home must seek approval before taking any picture else your camera will be seized.
12. Volunteers are not to bring visitors to the orphanage due to security reasons, but you can only do so if the visitor is introduced to the administrator.
13. We invite volunteers to attend our church services on Sundays with the chi lldren at 9am-12:30pm.
14. Volunteers are not to go out in the night and report late. 10:30pm….:.. 12am.
15. All uses concerning accommodation work must be reported to the Administrator.
16. Any volunteer who misplace keys will have to buy it for him/herself.
17. Inform the Administrator when leaving the orphanage for any extended period of time.